To those who say they aren’t artistic or creative, I say: I don’t believe you; there is something you do that’s an art, maybe it’s the way you dress, speak, cook, build, play, problem solve or think. Almost any activity can be done in an artistic way, that is, with purposeful style, creativity, and personality. We’re all more creative than we may realize.

Create, Don’t Care!

Create, don’t care, I have come to epitomize this motto. From my books, videos, and art, to my social media and this blog, I have learned to stop caring about the results. I had to. It may seem trite and flippant to say “it is what it is” but that is the healthiest way to view your creative output. I arrived at this perspective after a couple years of vigilantly watching my projects reach limited audiences. I realized that it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because I wasn’t willing to stop creating, regardless of who I did or didn’t reached.

Create, don’t care, my child will grow up in an environment that reflects this motto, surrounded by my books and paintings, believing it’s normal to create and move on, encouraged to create anything and everything. Creativity is an innate sense, a drive or motivator. While it can’t be directly taught, it can unfortunately be discouraged and buried; therefore, it must be protected. For me, it’s a priority to encourage and guard my child’s blossoming creativity.

Five Considerations for Cultivating Creativity

These ideas are equally important for us as people and parents.

1. Create What YOU Want

People may not understand why or what you create. This is okay, almost expected. Human minds can have a hard time grasping novel information. They may have no existing knowledge to connect this new thing, image, or idea to. Don’t worry. You weren’t doing it for them anyway. Remind yourself, this is for you.

2. Make Creating a Priority

Creation does take time. The world can make you feel weird or selfish for prioritizing creative efforts; do it anyway! It’s therapeutic for you. There is a reason you feel good while laboring under your creative endeavors. You are getting something out that is inside of you, something you need to express, an idea, feeling, mood, or memory.

3. Always Create Like a Child-

It’s in a child’s nature to create something and then move on, possibly never thinking of it again. They place their value in the process; it’s about having fun. Children don’t consider the results. They are not attached to their creations. They have no goal or ulterior motivation.

4. Don’t Judge

Unfortunately, sometimes it can be difficult to create for ourselves. You can make a million excuses but usually it comes down to one thing, judgement. Our minds continuously critique and judge everything if we let them. In general, for a happy life, this overly critical mind frame should be hushed. In regards to creating, it must be quieted.

Of course, creation cannot be achieved in a mindless vacuum. We need to get our mind and eye to work with the soul, not against it. Keep vigilant for soul crushing thought patterns such as “this looks stupid” or “why am I doing this?”.

5. Honor Your Flow

In my experience, creativity flows. It’s much more pure and potent when it’s not forced. It’s common to experience waves of creativity, so anticipate the low times. You can prepare for them by making a reserve of ideas during the high times.

Creating Creative Kids

​When it comes to encouraging our children’s creativity, we must allow the space and time for them to be artistic and creative. We have to be open minded and appreciate others creations, model a nonjudgmental outlook. We should also encourage their freethinking without judgment.

If we start raising children in a consistently positive and reassuring way, it can help them guard against the mind’s critical sabotages. Encouragement should be given and modeled. As a parent, I want to become artistic at encouraging and creative at complimenting.

“Space Trip” shows kids delighting in the process of creation, not the results.